For any more help, see

1. Navigation.

2. Export out of Rhino to Illustrator

1. Make sure that your shapes are closed curves in Rhino. The simplest way is to Dupborder your unfolded, flat surfaces.
2. Move your closed curve unfold to 0,0.
3. Export to Illustrator, scale 1:1
4. In Illustrator, open your file, select all the shapes, then go to Object > Artboard > Fit to Selected Art.
5. Convert units to mm.
6. Save

3. Import to CLO

4. Staging 3D

5. Sewing


6. Applying Materials

Kraft Paper
dull, medium brown, 1.00 mm thick
performs like kraft paper

Reinforced Paper
semi dull, beige, 10.00 mm thick
performs like thickened reinforced paper

Waxed Paper
reflective (high), dark brown, 5.00 mm thick
performs like waxed paper

Smooth Flexible Paper - Thick
reflective (high), light gray, 40.00 mm thick
performs like thick flexible foam or silicone

Smooth Flexible Paper - Thin
dull, yellow, 20.00 mm thick
performs like thin flexible foam or silicone